Help street children in recycling car wastes into foot wear for rural poor

help street children innovation industry in car waste recycling into foot wear

Help street children in recycling car wastes into foot wear for rural poor


of UGX 120,000 goal




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Masika Zaulia
Masika Zaulia

In Kasese western Uganda street children and orphans burn old car in slum areas and cause pollution that affects climate changes and its effects on Uganda.

I am Masika Zulia chairperson women call centre Uganda is community based organisation that work on women and children economic empowerment.

Our Innovation

The innovation transforms wasted tires into footwear, avoids the pollution from each burned tire which is equivalent to the usage of a regular car during a whole year, and provides employment to indigenous street childtren.

The orphans will be trained in recycling car wastes into foot wear, collects, recycles and designs appealing apparel merchandise. The management will base on recycling tires and plastic shoes. women call centre and its street children will recycle up to 1,000 tires. There is great potential to alleviate the pollution problem since there are 40 million tires in use, 91% of which are disposed of incorretly in rivers and urban streets in Kasese western Uganda.

The WCCU estimates that the combustion of scrap tires may represent the equivalent of CO2 generated by one car during a whole year. The project will help street children and orphans to generate jobs and enterpreneurs.

Join our project To save street children Innovation to reduce pollution in Uganda and this will be replicated to ennace climate change mitigation.

The street children and orphans in urban slums have no jobs and now are to be trained to be job makers please let us Join their Innovation for recycling waste cars into foot wear for rural poor to increase jobs for slum street children

Women call centre Uganda will also adopt thses street children In Bamboo wastes,agriculture wastes and Bamboo plates manufacturing and ensures waste management for Kasese Uganda are used.

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